Aerospace Palace International, Nigeria and her subsidiaries including Ola-great Multilinks Nigeria Enterprises DO NOT have Agents and/or Representatives in any part of the world. Anyone who involves in such transaction without proper verification does so at his/her own risk.
This is to officially dissociate our organisation from Radix FZC. We discovered that Radix FZC sold our former domain to a Pornographic organisation and we hereby inform our partners and the general public that we have no business with Radix FZC and the Pornographic contents being paraded on the former domain is not our idea in any form. Our website is now www.aerospacepalace.com.ng.
We frown at illegal contents and we say NO to contents that pollute and corrupt the society.
We stand for INTEGRITY always and that is what we pursue in our business dealings.
Aeroscholars Online Aviation Courses For High School Students

AeroScholars is the Coolest High School on the ’Net
Developed in accordance with national teaching standards, these award-winning online courses bring the fascinating world of aviation right to your fingertips.
Fun and Exciting Learning Environment
The AeroScholars high school program consists of two online aviation courses. These courses are not simply textbooks on the Internet. They are comprised of lecture material that has been proven over years of instruction, educational video, 3D animations, interactive questions, and other multimedia learning tools.
National Science Standards and High School Credit
The courses emphasize important questions, concepts, and principles that have helped students excel, not only in aviation, but in their whole educational experience. The curriculum correlate to NSTA national science standards and many high schools provide high school graduation credit to AeroScholars students in addition to the earned university credits.
Credit from One of the Nation's Top Aviation Universities
Enrollment in AeroScholars provides an opportunity to earn university credit from Utah Valley University, with one of the largest and highly-rated aviation programs in the nation. Successfully completing the first course earns
2 credits, and completing the second course earns 4 credits. Students can use these credits to begin an associate or bachelor degree at UVU, or even transfer the credits to another college or university.
Premiere High School Aviation Program on the Internet
Not only is AeroScholars fun, it can transform your education, your career, and your future. Join the thousands of high school students who have discovered the thrill of flight, and the benefits of expanding their scientific understanding. Make an investment in your future that can really pay off. Join AeroScholars today!
The Aeroscholars program is an Aviation Experience designed to instill and encourage the passion of aviation. The Experimental Aircraft Association Online Aeroscholars High School Science courses comprise the core of the program.
These award-winning online high school courses were developed in accordance with the National Science Standards, and bring the fascinating world of aviation right to your fingertips. Aeroscholars courses are available in English to students anywhere in the world providing almost limitless accessibility.
Students taking the courses can earn college credits, they will participate in exciting video and interactive activities, pilot and aircraft as an EAA Young Eagle, visit an Air Museum through a virtual tour, and explore aviation career opportunities. Students will also receive a complimentary EAA students Membership with all its benefits. Each student enrolls in the Aeroscholars program will receive access to an online textbook and all courses materials. A multimedia CD is also available.
Although Aeroscholars courses are designed, developed and supported by experts throughout the industry. Aeroscholars goes beyond computer software or courseware. Comments and suggestions are welcomed from students and parents to provide necessary input at official revision meetings that take place twice yearly to improve, update and revise program materials.
Aeroscholars Course Descriptions
Course I: Fundamentals of Aviation: Fundamentals of Aviation Science is designed for students of all backgrounds. They may have some familiarity with aircraft and aviation or perhaps they have only seen aircraft flying overhead. The course is designed to encourage interest and appreciation for aviation. The course will explore the history of flight and uncover the mysteries of airplane and helicopter flight and the basics of aerodynamics. Students will learn about the evolution of aircraft and their designs, engines, instruments, and aircraft systems. Meteorology, air traffic control, and variety of aviation and aerospace career options are also covered. The course includes significant historical events in aviation and aerospace development as well as a look at modern technology and industry progress. Students will learn aerospace terminology, government and industry roles in aviation and applicable regulations.
Course II: Advanced Aviation Science: Private Pilot: Advanced Aviation Science, Private Pilot further develops the student's understanding and interest of aviation science. Although most students may not pilot an aircraft for a living, most people have dreamt of flying an aircraft. Advanced Aviation Science brings the dream of being a pilot many steps closer. Students will learn about airport systems, air traffic control procedures, airspace, aviation weather, air navigation, radio communication procedures, and federal aviation regulations. The course will also
cover aircraft performance and cross-country flight planning. Additional weather theory is provided as well as weather reports and forecasts for pilots. Aircraft weight and balance, and the use of pilot tools and charts are all taught using comprehensive video, interactive questions, online lessons and the FAA publication, The Private Pilot’s Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge. Successful completion of the course provides four hours of college credit and prepares students for the FAA Private Pilot written examination. The course features hundreds of interactive videos, test questions, and 17 weeks of exciting aviation lessons geared toward furthering that dream and providing the foundation necessary for successful completion of the FAA Private Pilot Knowledge Examination.
Upon successful completion of this course, students may request an endorsement to take the FAA private pilot knowledge examination, signed off by a certified flight instructor. Passing the knowledge exam completes the first step toward earning a real pilot license.
Course Schedule
Aeroscholars courses are offered in a convenient semester schedule designed to meet the timeline of schools and organizations around the world. The Fall and Sprig semesters begin in September and January respectively, and run for approximately 20 weeks and are composed of 17 weekly lessons.
However, students are not required to begin coursework on the first day of the semester, in fact, students may register up to six weeks into the semester. This provides a flexible format and start date for students and organizations.
Learning is offered in an Asynchronous environment, giving students the freedom to fit the courses into current academic and extra-curricular activities. A summer semester is usually offered depending on student enrollment.
Learning Management System
The learning management system or LMS used in the Aeroscholars Program provides Aeroscholars students with the foundation for the Aeroscholars online curses including media, text, exam preparation, secure course access, grades, college credit requests, and live help.
Students will take the midterm and final examinations online using our virtual proctoring system. Students taking the examinations online receive their scores instantly upon completion. They also receive feedbacks regarding questions missed along with references for locating the correct answers. The grade will be instantly posted to the grade page in the online grade book.
The LMS saves time and resources. When students register, they will automatically be placed on the class list immediately and be provided with contact names and contact information of their facilitators. A class list is automatically created for the facilitator and an assignment list with the option to add activities and enter grades is included. The facilitator can the email any or all the students in the class using the LMS “Mass emailer”.
The LMS also saves students time and effort. Once the course materials have been delivered to the students, they can complete online registration, request college credits, and begin coursework in about 10 minutes.
Course Tutorials
Each Aeroscholars course includes a tutorial to help students learn how to be successful in the course. Some of the items covered include course navigation and design, multimedia presentations, interactive learning, Federal Aviation Administration Test Preparation, grading exams, and course activities. This is a great way for our students to familiarize themselves with the classroom environment.
Young Eagles Flight
One of the most exciting activities in the Aeroscholars program is the opportunity for students to take a flight in a real airplane! For many, this will be their first flight experience. Since 1992, more than 1.2 million Young Eagles have enjoyed a flight through the program. Young Eagles have been registered in more than 90 different countries and have been flown by nearly 40,000 volunteer FAA certified Pilots. The biggest question on the students and parents minds might be about the actual flight.
First of all, the pilot will explain to students what will happen during the flight. This might include talking about the airplane; reviewing an aeronautical chart (or map); identifying reference points during the flight; completing a careful “walk around” preflight inspection of airplane and identifying the parts that control the airplane.
Once students are ready to go flying, the pilot will describe the interior of the airplane, including the instrument panel. Pretty soon, it will be time to go flying! Once in the air, students will see the earth and sky in a new and exciting way. They’ll experience the wonderful freedom of flight that many people only dream about. Most Young Eagles remember this experience for the rest of their life.
Most Young Eagle flights last between 15 and 20 minutes. One back on the ground, there will be additional time for students to ask questions about flight. Ask away! Your pilot will be happy to tell you more about flying and their particular airplane. Students will receive an official Young Eagles certificate, which is signed, by your personal pilot and our Chairman Harrison Ford and be entered into the world’s largest logbook.