Aerospace Palace International, Nigeria and her subsidiaries including Ola-great Multilinks Nigeria Enterprises DO NOT have Agents and/or Representatives in any part of the world. Anyone who involves in such transaction without proper verification does so at his/her own risk.
This is to officially dissociate our organisation from Radix FZC. We discovered that Radix FZC sold our former domain to a Pornographic organisation and we hereby inform our partners and the general public that we have no business with Radix FZC and the Pornographic contents being paraded on the former domain is not our idea in any form. Our website is now www.aerospacepalace.com.ng.
We frown at illegal contents and we say NO to contents that pollute and corrupt the society.
We stand for INTEGRITY always and that is what we pursue in our business dealings.
Aviation & Space
This department is set out to:
be the hub of Aerospace information on Nigerian campuses; primary, secondary and tertiary institutions
coordinate aviation film shows, seminars, workshops and other inspiring programmes and projects on our campuses,
make the needed positive change in the aviation industry within and outside of Nigeria
In order to achieve these and many other objectives, we have extended our partnerships to notable aviation, Aerospace and space organisations across the world, e.g. Medical AirXpress, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics USA, Experimental Aircraft Association USA, etc
Education & Training Department
Here, we have partnered with a lot of training providers to provide S.T.E.M education & Aviation and Space trainings for our students and teachers. This will ensure we achieve the aim of producing quality Aviation, Aerospace and Space leaders that can man and coordinate the activities of our Aerospace sector in a better and lifesaving manner.
Some of our partners are Orion's Quest UK, Virtual High School USA, Aeroscolars USA, AIAA USA Aerospace Micro-Lessons.
There is an excitement associated with the word airplane that creates the spirit of adventure, the project will use the excitement of aviation to educate and inspire the youth in Africa andengage their minds in meaningful and rewarding investment, thereby using it as a veritable tool to address the menaces of corruptions that Africans, especially the youth, get involved in and reduce the chances of being lured into secret cults and other unlawful societies.
ICT & Agro-Investment
The ICT Department comprises of our partners like:
(i)Citrix online software, Ireland
(ii)GRADIENT ECM software, Slovania
(iii)Sourcedogg e-sourcing software, Ireland
(iv)SMS PRO Aviation Safety Software, USA
(v)IBM SaaS, USA
Here, we have developed some of our aviation tools into facilities for Agricultural purposes.
Aviation products can now be used in pre-planting, planting and post-planting operations. Mostly used for such operations are Trikes and miniplanes.

Oil & Gas Department
The oil and gas department is being managed by experts and researchers in the field.
We are also collaborating with research laboratories in order to modify some of the existing parameters and see if we can develop a more efficient and cost-effective aviation fuel in the nearest possible future.
We also consult for organization, develop proposal and feasibility studies for projects in this field.
Aerospace World Media Department
This is the media house of the organization that deals with the advertisements, sales and promotions.
This section also deals with the coordination of our activities on our online radio streaming live at http://listen.radionomy.com/theaerospaceworldmedia.
The department also coordinates our partnerships with other radio stations and is the setting up of our Amateur radio on International Space Station in conjunction with ARIS Europe.
The media department also deals with website designs, domain registration, App designs in line with ios, Google play store and blackberry store standards and specifications.
We are a registered App developer with Apple, Google Play store and blackberry.
Aina Keke Foundation
Aina Keke Foundation (AKF) formerly the APIN Peace Foundation is the NGO arm of our organization that promotes and supports the role of young people in peace-building activities that contribute to living together in dignity and dialogue through a network of specifically trained young people who strengthen the presence and promote rehabilitation and values in conflict-affected areas and communities. Also to also make information on the basics of aviation sciences and other fields of science & technology, etc available to all Institutions through lectures, workshops and seminars.
The innovation is created with a difference to network all the peace organizations with various kinds of peace problems. The world is ONE- The humanity is ONE- The peace is ONE- which call for the peace organizations to fight unitedly to kill the monster of violence at all levels for ushering an era of sustainable peace.