Aerospace Palace International, Nigeria and her subsidiaries including Ola-great Multilinks Nigeria Enterprises DO NOT have Agents and/or Representatives in any part of the world. Anyone who involves in such transaction without proper verification does so at his/her own risk.
This is to officially dissociate our organisation from Radix FZC. We discovered that Radix FZC sold our former domain to a Pornographic organisation and we hereby inform our partners and the general public that we have no business with Radix FZC and the Pornographic contents being paraded on the former domain is not our idea in any form. Our website is now www.aerospacepalace.com.ng.
We frown at illegal contents and we say NO to contents that pollute and corrupt the society.
We stand for INTEGRITY always and that is what we pursue in our business dealings.
Trikes & Miniplanes
Trikes are not new, and many have seen them flying locally or in movies, like Fly Away Home, which was based on Bill Lishman and Operation Migration. The sport pilot and light-sport aircraft rule, however, has brought trikes to the attention of the masses. They offer a number of advantages, which account for their popularity, and they are worth a flight if you’re thinking about buying an ultralight or light-sport aircraft. To prepare you for that first flight, here are the answers to the 12 most commonly asked questions about trikes.