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Our Clients

Our Clients

  • American Institute of Astronautics and Aeronautics

  • National Aeronautics and Space Administration, USA (NASA) Astrobiology Debate

  • Space Exploration Project Group

  • Citrix Software,

  • Sourcedogg, e-sourcing Software, Slovenia

  • IBM Worldwide Partner

  • Gradient EMC Software

  • Air safety flight Academy, USA

  • Aviation Institute of Maintenance, USA

  • San Diego Flight Training Institute, USA

  • Phoenix East Aviation Inc, USA

  • Basair Aviation College, Australia

  • Halley Ltd, Hungary

  • Alpha Parachute, Spain

  • Pipistrel, Slovenia

  • TL Ultralight, Checz Republic

  • Skyscooter, Hungary

  • Miniplane, Italy

  • Magni Gyros, Italy

  • HovPod, England. Etc…………….

“I'm a testimonial. Click me to edit and add text that says something nice about you and your services. Click me to edit and add text that says something nice about you and your services.”

Ogunbiyi Abiodun, President/CEO

© 2016 Ola-great Multilinks Nigeria Enterprises

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